Beach Directory

Welcome to our directory listing of accessible beaches in New Zealand that deliver a quality experience to beach goers.

We regularly try to confirm with accessible beach providers that the services that are listed are still available.  If you've experienced a great accessible beach that isn't listed, please tell us @

We welcome any contact around new providers that are not on this website as we are happy to provide the information in this directory.

Beaches around NZ

More Information Coming

We will be loading more information soon about those communities that have beach wheelchairs available for free to use or hire 

Jacqui and Hemi Whyte and Family

I don’t want to tell his story to gain sympathy, he is actually one of the most positive people I know, but rather give people a small insight into how having a disability can affect every day things we take for granted. I know my husband well, he will just keep carrying on until he can't.
The mats will allow people who want to access the beach who currently can’t through no choice of their own, and provide an opportunity to exercise their basic human right and bring some joy to many people struggling on the daily. Their production also contributes to the environment by utilising 100% recycled materials and they are 100% recyclable.
Disabled people face so many challenges every day, removing the challenge of how to spend a few hours on the beach is an amazing gift - I would like to thank everyone involved in this project for their compassion and support, and I hope it inspires other communities too.
Warmest regards,
Jacqui and Hemi Whyte & family